© Muzeum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów
   |   19.02.2019

Completion of ‘Repair and preventive works in the Orangery building’

Stormwater sewer and lift station at the Orangery building are ready. Construction works were completed on 28 December 2018. The task ‘Repair and preventive works in the Orangery building’ has been completed.

The Museum signed a contract with a new contractor for works not completed by the previous one already at the end of 2018. The team immediately commenced site mobilisation.

While waiting for the delivery of the key component, the lift station, the new contractor first connected the Orangery building to an outlet pipe and replaced drainage channels to the correct type.

Next, the contractor installed a new discharge manhole connected to the closest drainage manhole. A new pipe was laid to connect the new discharge manhole to the new lift station.

The lift station vessel and equipment were delivered on time. The contractor began by installing it and connecting all parts of the system prepared earlier.

The key stage of the works was the installation, connection, and tests of a float-switch controlled pump in the lift station vessel. The operation was a success.

The contractor could commence finishing works: backfilling, construction of reinforced concrete slabs and brick access chamber of the filling station, installation of a cover, reinstatement of the surface, and final clean-up.

Despite minor weather issues at the end of the works period, the task was completed on time.

text and photo: Katarzyna Kuśmierska

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