© Muzeum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów
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Restoration of the palace façades, 2003-2008

A few times in its history the palace fell upon hard times when neglected and even deserted, it slowly turned into a ruin.
The first time this happened was after the death of Jan III. In 1720 the royal residence was purchased from the heir, Konstanty Sobieski, by Elżbieta Sieniawska who embarked on a major refurbishment and development project under the supervision of the architect Józef Fontana.
Restoration was needed again in the beginning of the 21st century when the state of the façades, sculptures and plastering were found to be in need of some major conservation work.
The restoration of the façades was made possible by generous funding from the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism...