© Muzeum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów
   |   24.04.2019

The Financial settlement of the “Renovation and safety works in the Orangery building” task with the General Contractor is in progress

On 28 December 2018, all the planned construction works on the Orangery building, related to the implementation of the “Renovation and safety works in the Orangery building” task were completed. In December, there was also a formal settlement of works with the second Contractor on the task.

However, to date, the settlement procedure with the General Contractor of the renovation and safety works in the Orangery building – Renova Sp. z o.o., with which on 31 July 2018 the Museum of King Jan III’s Palace in Wilanów withdrew from the concluded Contract, has not been completed.

In the course of activities aimed at the legal and formal termination of cooperation with Renova Sp. z o.o., on 11 November 2018, the Museum of King Jan III’s Palace in Wilanów received a notice of bankruptcy of the above mentioned company with a summons to file a claim from the bankruptcy estate receiver assigned by the court, and in the following days, the Museum contacted the attorney of the receiver.

Based on the notification, on 13 December 2018, the Museum of King Jan III’s Palace in Wilanów filed a declaration of its claims with the 10th Commercial Department of the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw.  

At the same time, in correspondence with the receiver, the Museum of King Jan III’s Palace in Wilanów supported the declaration of cooperation on the final settlement with the Bankrupt – General Contractor.

However, detailed arrangements are being made to this day with the receiver in this matter.

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