© Muzeum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów
   |   28.07.2020

Administration and promotion under the project „www.muzeach”

No project, especially as large and complex as “www.muzeach,” can be implemented effectively without adequate administrative support. While admiring the effects of such projects, we often forget about the invisible work required to achieve success. Questions of public procurement, payroll, billing, and reporting are resolved not only at the level of individual museums, but also of the entire consortium.

One of the tasks is promotion. The duty of providing information will be fulfilled through the project website, leader’s and partners’ websites, and information boards. Internet publications, newsletter, and a press conference summing up the project are also planned.

Project co-financed from European Funds and from the funds of the Ministry of Culture and National of the Republic of Poland. The project is implemented under the Operational Program Digital Poland for the years 2014-2020, Priority Axis 2 “E-government and open government,” Action 2.3 “Digital availability and usefulness of public sector information,” Sub-action 2.3.2 “Digital availability of culture resources.”

logos of the project