© Muzeum Pałacu Króla Jana III w Wilanowie
Kolekcja   Kolekcja   |   23.09.2015

Figure of a court dignitary or official

  • Rzemiosło artystyczne
  • China, Canton
  • 18th or 19th century
  • Polychrome clay
  • 65 x 39 x 28 cm
  • Wil.3020

This likeness of a Chinese dignitary is made out of unburned clay and colourful polychrome. Figurines portraying European merchants and sailors were also made in Canton, which in the eighteenth century was the chief Chinese trade port. “Puppets” showing Chinese officials, courtiers or the military were brought over by European collectors particularly interested in the culture and customs of the Far East. In such collections similar items were treated not only as extremely unusual curios enhancing the given collection or decorating rooms designed in the Chinese fashion, but also as a source of knowledge about costumes obligatory among the hierarchy of Chinese officials and dignitaries. Often, the figures were outfitted with miniatures of genuine accessories - pipes, hats, tobacco pouches, money sacks and fans. Upon occasions, they were dressed in silk costumes and outfitted with wigs and facial hair.

The Wilanów collections include a set of more than ten such figures, which during the nineteenth century were displayed in the Chinese Apartment. The extant accessories – bags and sacks – could have belonged to them.

Anna Ekielska-Mardal