© Muzeum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów
   |   24.10.2018

Problems with carrying out the “Renovation and safety works in the Orangery building” task

“Something is rotten in the state of Denmark” – this quotation from William Shakespeare’s Hamlet perfectly reflects the current state of affairs, which have unfortunately affected the carrying out of task no. 4 – Renovation and safety works in the Orangery building. Due to the fault of the General Contractor of works, the deadline for completion of activities planned for this task was not met. At the same time, the complete execution of the works planned and provided for in the contract with the contractor is also at risk, thus impacting the envisioned results.

In view of the above quite serious situation, the Museum is currently undertaking appropriate formal and legal actions in order to secure the public interest and, above all, to achieve the project assumptions provided for in the co-financing contract.

We hope that in the next update from the construction site, we will be able to provide better news, and perhaps even information about a happy solution to the problems that have arisen.

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