The last six months of a project are usually the “hottest” period, especially in the field of promotion. So far, the intensification of informational and promotional activities has been experienced at the beginning of the work, and was then followed by long but regular period of documenting the progress of the activities and summarising the partial effects and successes.
The aim of all our promotional and informational activities is to reach the widest possible audience with two messages: what we have achieved and how we achieved it. We have conscientiously mentioned the sources of funding for the project and presented the most important changes. In order to best illustrate all the activities, together with the Historia bez cenzury YouTube channel, we have prepared a film summarising the whole project, but also a comprehensive, richly illustrated information brochure in two languages (Polish and English), an advertising campaign using public transit in Warsaw and a conference that concludes the project.
For obvious reasons, these actions will be finalised at the end of the year, and a significant portion of them may only be finalised in December, in view of the expected concrete results of the tasks set. We can already boast that some of the works are behind us: Michelangelo Palloni’s frescoes in the garden galleries have been conserved and secured, the roof over the northern wing has been renovated, security and renovation works in the Orangery have been completed, the Hercules statues (including pedestals) have been conserved and copied. Only the renovation of the first floor of the palace and the last scanning sessions of the Al Fresco Cabinet in the palace are left. Only after these activities have been finalised will it be possible to proceed to the final and most important phase of promotion.
We are currently preparing for interviews needed for films, completing photographic documentation of the finished works and beginning the preparation of promotional texts; we will soon start looking for ideas for an outdoor campaign. We can’t wait for the finale and we are already bursting with pride.