© Muzeum Pałacu Króla Jana III w Wilanowie
Kolekcja   Kolekcja   |   25.09.2015


  • Rzemiosło artystyczne
  • Poland
  • 19th century
  • Stained, veneered, carved and turned wood
  • 46 x 34 x 41 cm
  • Wil.3212

The shape of the pulpit is that of a small easel, which could serve an artist painting miniatures or small canvases. At the same time, placed on a table it might become a comfortable bookstand. A musician could put on it sheet music and a collector his favourite miniature, which he would want to place on view or study. A movable support in back of the pulpit makes it possible to regulate the angle of the object on the easel, while a horizontal indentation, on which the lower edge of the exhibit rests, can be raised or lowered, depending on the needs of the user. This simple piece of equipment was decorated with ornamental pinnacles on top and two strips of a carved plant tendril.

Today, we see similar equipment only in churches on altar mensae or as support for a missal, and in museums or libraries displaying particularly valuable exhibits.

Anna Kwiatkowska