"Wilanów Studies" – Past Issues
Please follow the links below to discover past issues of "Studia Wilanowskie" (Wilanów Studies), volumes: XXIV, XXV, XXVI and XXVII.
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„Studia Wilanowskie” (Wilanów Studies) XXVII, Warsaw 2020
- Editorial page and table of contents
- Anna Ziemlewska, Introduction, p. 9
- Anna Markiewicz, “Le peintre de Breda”. Notes on Ferdinand van Kessel’s paintings for John III Sobieski, p. 13
- Elżbieta Modzelewska, St. Roch Visiting the Sick – the secrets of Martino Altomonte’s painterly workshop. Research, techniques, comparative analysis and conservation of the painting, p. 35
- Anna Czarniecka, Maria Casimire’s attempts to secure the throne for Prince James during the Great Northern War in the light of the correspondence in the National Historical Archive of Belarus in Minsk (1701–1704), p. 61
- Anna Leyk, The letters of Maria Casimire Sobieska to Hedwig Elisabeth Amalia von Pfalz-Neuburg, p. 91
- Roman Krzywy, The mystery of Torquato Tasso’s companion in the Wilanów Library medallion, p. 129
- Katarzyna Onisk, The recent discoveries of paintings on the upper floor of the Wilanów Palace. Research on and conservation of the room above the Chapel, p. 135
- Katarzyna Onisk, The recent discoveries of paintings on the upper floor of the Wilanów Palace. Research on the interior, p. 143
- Konrad Pyzel, Sieniawska. The Queen without a Crown exposition in the times of the coronavirus pandemic, p. 157
- Jacek Kuśmierski, Łukasz Przybylak, Anna Ziemlewska, “Citri et Aurea”: the exchange of knowledge and experience in the field of historical citrus collections, p. 163
- Jacek Kuśmierski,The “Citri et Aurea” Polish-Italian garden seminar, p. 173
„Studia Wilanowskie” (Wilanów Studies) XXVI, Warsaw 2019
- Table of contents
- Joanna Paprocka-Gajek, Introduction, p.9
- Paweł Jaskanis, Permanent databases from archival research conducted at the Museum – an innovative strategy of the Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów, p.15
- Dorota Folga-Januszewska, The Lubomirskis and Stanisław Kostka Potocki in Vienna. Meeting places and art collections, p.17
- Michał Witkowski, “The entire fencing is a garden”. A partition in the Wilanów Palace courtyard, its history and its dismantling in times of Stanisław Kostka Potocki, p.35
- Karolina Alkemade, Selected elements of the decoration of the Chinese Apartment on the first floor of the Wilanów Palace’s main body and its changes over the centuries – a new approach, p.57
- Anna Kwiatkowska, Furniture owned by three generations of the Potocki family, p.83
- Krystyna Gutowska-Dudek, Elżbieta Modzelewska, Joanna Strombek, Paweł Kozakiewicz, Madonna del Velo with the portrait of Cardinal Paolo Emilio Sfondrati, extant in the Wilanów collection, in the light of recent research and conservation works, p.119
- Ewa Letkiewicz, The eighteenth-century jewelled bouquet from the Wilanów Collection, p.153
- Joanna Paprocka-Gajek, The Wilanów perspective on the Warsaw Exhibition of Antiquities held at the Count Potocki palace in the summer of 1856, p.179
- Małgorzata Zając, Garden sculptures from the factories of Feilner and March in the collection of the Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów, p.245
- Beata Biedrońska-Słota,Krystyna Potocka’s description of the collection of kontush sashes, p.305
- Janusz Nowak, Inventory of the Wilanów Palace dated 28 September 1743 (fragment), p.325
- Stanisław Schabowski, The Pope in Rome. An undated section of Stanisław Kostka Potocki’s travel diary from his visit to Rome, p.335
„Studia Wilanowskie” (Wilanów Studies) XXV, Warsaw 2018
- Table of contents
- Anna Ziemlewska, Introduction, p.9
- Dzmitry Yatsevich, The Sobieski in Oława Archive in the National Historical Archive of Belarus. The history of the archive and research on it after the Second World War, p.13
- Anna Leyk, An edition of Queen Marie Casimire’s letters from the Sobieski in Oława Archive, p.19
- Mikołaj Tomaszewski, A new look at the letters of Jan Sobieski to Marie Casimire d’Arquien. Some discrepancies between Bandtke’s copies and Kukulski’s editions, and archival material, with some amendments, p. 43
- Aleksandra Skrzypietz, Roman period in the life of Maria Casimira, the eldest daughter of Prince Jakub Sobieski, according to her correspondence with her father, p. 59
- Konrad Niemira, An unknown poem on the death of Maria Clementina Sobieska, p.77
- Anna Markiewicz, “Un petit ballot de livres nouveaux”. Some remarks on Jan III’s library, p.95
- Zbigniew Hundert, The last council of the Senate before King Jan III’s departure to Vienna: 8 August 1683 at Łobzów, p.107
- SW_25_rozdzial_10_Wizerunki Jana III na srebrach gdańskich, Anna Frąckowska.pdf
- SW_25_rozdzial_11_Rarytas gdański w kolekcji wilanowskiej, Joanna Paprocka-Gajek.pdf
- SW_25_rozdzial_12_Mieszczanin szlachcicem. Uwagi na temat kondycji społecznej malarza królewskiego Jerzego Szymonowicza Eleutera Siemiginowskiego, Paweł Migasiewicz.pdf
- SW_25_rozdzial_13_Jan Reisner i jego Kazanie Jana Chrzciciela z kościoła wizytek w Krakowie, Elżbieta Modzelewska, Konrad Pyzel.pdf
- SW_25_rozdzial_14_Wystawa „Jan III Sobieski. Polski król w Wiedniu” (Pałac Zimowy księcia Eugeniusza Sabaudzkiego w Wiedniu, 7 lipca – 1 listopada 2017 roku), Konrad Pyzel.pdf
- SW_25_rozdzial_15_Przywracanie do życia minionego świata. Stefan Batory i Jan III na Węgrzech w okresie międzywojennym w pamięci kulturowej i historiografii, Tibor Gerencsér.pdf
„Studia Wilanowskie” (Wilanów Studies) XXIV, Warsaw 2017
- SW_24_00_Table of contents.pdf
- Joanna Paprocka-Gajek, Introduction, p.9
- Magdalena Kulpa, Ceremonies in commemoration of the death of Stanisław Kostka Potocki in the light of contemporary printed materials, p.15
- Magdalena Kulpa, Nineteenth-century memorabilia produced to commemorate the death of Stanisław Kostka Potocki, p. 37
- Adam Tyszkiewicz, The role of Stanisław Kostka Potocki in the shaping of material heritage and prestige of the University of Warsaw, p. 55
- Katarzyna Adamska, Monika Michałowicz, Johann Caspar Lavater, Johann Heinrich Füssli and Felix Hess at Breakfast with Johann Joachim Spalding at Barth. A print in the Wilanów Collection, p.75
- Jerzy Miziołek, Stanisław Kostka Potocki’s vision of the Villa Laurentina and the Columned Hall at the University of Warsaw, p.91
- Monika Partyka, The Conference “Literary Legacy of Stanisław Kostka Potocki”: Report, p.103
- Stanisław Schabowski, Some members of the Polignac family and their diaries held in the Łańcut Castle Museum Library, p.115
- Stanisław Schabowski, Some members of the Polignac family and their diaries held in the Łańcut Castle Museum Library. Source Materials, p.129
- Agnieszka Woźniak-Wieczorek, Count Franciszek Potocki (1788–1853) – a forgotten art collector, p.159
- Agnieszka Woźniak-Wieczorek, The painting collection of Count Franciszek Potocki (1788–1853) in the light of selected archive materials, p.173
- Dorota Folga Januszewska, The Potocki family and their friends in the humorous portraits by Franciszek Maria Lanci p.193
- Marek Letkiewicz, Vue d’optique – eighteenth-century 3D graphics in the Wilanów collections, p.199
- Tomasz Żuchowski, The inventory of snuffboxes brought to the Wilanów Palace on 1 December 1845, p.223
- Piotr Jaworski, The activities of August and Aleksandra Potockis in the area of collecting works of ancient art, p.237
- Agnieszka Pawlak, Sylwia Svorová Pawełkowicz, Light and the protection of historical collections: modern methods of monitoring colour changes, p.255
- Agnieszka Pawlak, New storerooms at Markoniówka: Report, p.277 Elżbieta Grygiel, ARRE, or: in the network of European museums, 281
- Elżbieta Grygiel, ARRE, or: in the network of European museums, 281
- Aleksandra Głowacz, Zofia Szlenkier, The Wilanów collection of Oriental art as an inspiration for educational projects: Report, 287
- Łukasz Przybylak, Decorative forms of 19th-century plant compositions in the process of restoration of the palace and garden complex at Wilanów: Report, p.295
- Iwona Ochocka, Valuable donations and purchases for the Early Prints Collection held at the library of the Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów, 303
- Zuzanna Flisowska, The conference of young historians of the early modern period at Wilanów: Report, p.313