Unia Europejska
Unia Europejska
Unia Europejska
Unia Europejska

Album of August Potocki

karta katalogowa kolekcji


India ink, watercolours, crayon, pencil, pen on paper; leather
13.5 x 18.5 x 1,7 cm
Signatures of various artists: FG, Piotrowski S., Brzostowski Adam, Axamitowski K., JUN (probably for Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz), Kosakowski J., Brzostowski Hipolit
Wil.4832-4852 (pages), Wil.5063 (cover)


Sztambuch is a word derived from German to describe a collection of pages to be filled with annotations and drawings by assorted persons who thus expressed their sympathy for the owner, signed their names for memory’s sake or wished to made a joke. Such books were extremely popular among the students of early modern Europe. When schooldays were nearing their end, such albums constituted a sui generis diary in which school friends left a kind word or a pleasing drawing. The album belonging to August Potocki, the landlord of Wilanów in 1845–1867, originates from his youth. The title page features the Pilawa family coat of arms, drawn by Anna née Tyszkiewicz, the mother of the ten years-old owner. Inside, alongside casual sketches, we come across genuine curios, including a signature of most probably Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz, a friend of the family and a frequent guest at Wilanów: a grotesque scene of taming a horse is signed in the right lower corner with the initials JUN.

Marta Gołąbek

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August Potocki, the owner of Wilanów

August Potocki (1806 – 1867), the older son of Aleksander and Anna née Tyszkiewicz, the grandson of Stanisław Kostka, received …

The Wife of Count August

Aleksandra Potocka, known as Aleksandryna (1818–1892), was born in St. Petersburg as the only child of Stanisław Septym (the son …


An unknown commemorative poem written by Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz in 1783

Studia Wilanowskie, 1989 r. T. XI A fascinating task for a historian of literature is to trace through European writing the …

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