Unia Europejska
Unia Europejska
Unia Europejska
Unia Europejska

Fireplace screen

karta katalogowa kolekcji


Rzemiosło artystyczne
W. Karowicz
19th century
Mahogany veneer on wood, contemporary imitation leather
114 x 60 x 14 cm

sekretarzyk_parawan kominkowy.jpg

This small and light piece of furniture was usually employed to reduce the glow of a burning fire, which in dark interiors produced an unpleasant glare. Such a screen stood at a certain distance from the fireplace, without limiting the emission of warmth and light but bringing relief to the eyes. This, at first glance, modest piece of equipment was very useful and could successfully fulfil the function of a secretaire writing desk: its front wall can in a single moment become a comfortable desktop for writing a brief message on a billet doux. It also discloses a small shelf with the decorative panels of a segregator for storing documents. Below: an inkwell, a blotting sand container and a sliding compartment for pens.

Modelled on almost identical English furniture from the time of Charles X, the screen displays enchanting elegance, simplicity and functionality, and would certainly prove useful also in contemporary interiors.

Anna Kwiatkowska


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