Proprietors of the palace: from a king to a custodian
The Wilanów Palace, its beautiful gardens and buildings located in the park as well as the amassed works of art all constitute records of history. The venue commemorates Jan III, a warrior-king and at the same time a lover of books and paintings, a well-educated patron of art vividly interested in science. His memory was kept alive by Stanisław Kostka Potocki, an outstanding politician and founder of the Wilanów Museum. Though female proprietors of the Wilanów estate are somehow less accentuated, it was Elżbieta Sieniawska, Izabela Lubomirska and last but not least Aleksandra Potocka (August Potocki’s wife) who had the palace extended and furnished, made efforts to preserve its atmosphere and later to make it available to the public. Following the time axis we will reach the present day, when the Wilanów Palace functions as a national institution of culture and a location readily visited by international audience.
Wilanów Residence
The Wilanów residence is composed of the palace, its decorations and works of art, gardens and sculptures located in the park and also numerous buildings and monuments raised in the location since 1677. A visit to Wilanów, be it virtual or real, provides an opportunity to experience the core of our tradition that is also a part of the common European culture.