Unia Europejska
Unia Europejska
Unia Europejska
Unia Europejska

Platter with a food warmer

karta katalogowa kolekcji


Rzemiosło artystyczne
France (?), Paris (?)
1st half of 19th century
plater on copper
9 x 45 x 25.5 cm


Maintaining the temperature of a warm dish and delivering it to a dining room situated at some distance from the kitchen, often in a separate building, produced numerous difficulties. Many times were cold dishes returned to the kitchen to be warmed up, losing much of their original aesthetic and flavour appeal, and prolonged meals proved to be a nightmare for the cook and the servants. In addition, the silver plated or gilt platters used in the wealthiest households turned the dishes colder even more rapidly.

During the middle of the eighteenth century a solution was sought in the introduction of a stand holding a spirit lamp burner on which full platters were placed and kept warm. Another method for maintaining a suitable temperature was the titular platter with a container for hot water. Its fault lay in the cumbersome carrying of the platter and the rather short retention of a suitable temperature of the served dish. The platter from the Wilanów collections comes from a set purchased probably by the Potocki family in France.

Joanna Paprocka-Gajek


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