Unia Europejska
Unia Europejska
Unia Europejska
Unia Europejska

Stove on wheels

karta katalogowa kolekcji


Rzemiosło artystyczne
France, Lille (?)
2nd half of 18th century
Faïence, underglaze paints; wood
50.5 x 49 x 39.5 cm

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A ceramic tile stove standing in a room does not cause astonishment although it is an increasingly rare part of the outfitting of contemporary interiors. We have grown accustomed to radiators and heated floors, and in case of need we reach for portable electric or oil heaters. During the eighteenth century, additional sources of warmth could include small faïence devices, easily movable thanks to wooden wheels and handles. A metal container, placed inside a perforated body, was filled with glowing coals, which raised the temperature of the surrounding. Sometimes, aromatic herbs were added in the belief than their fragrance would render more pleasant the long winter months spent in a cosy interior or help curing assorted ailments. Identical stoves in French museums and castles – also decorated with irregular green-brown or green-blue smudges – suggest the northern part of that country as the place of their production.

Barbara Szelegejd

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