The Park - a map of the layout of the Palace grounds and Park

The interactive map presents the Museum grounds, buildings and garden sculptures located in the Park, as well as the natural layer – trees, shrubs, garden floors and monuments of nature. Get to know the historic architectural objects and see what plants and trees grow in Wilanów Park.
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The façades of the Palace

The richly decorated façades of the Palace tell an impressive story about the history of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Sobieski family. It is worth looking at the richness of decoration on the façades featuring numerous carefully crafted sculptures, paintings and architectural details in order to discover their symbolism and understand the message conveyed by the former owners. The map presents archival and current views of the façades, in the form of orthoimages, photogrammetry, and vectors. It also provides data on more than 1,290 separate decorative objects, accompanied by photographic, archival, and conservation documentation.
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The Palace interiors

Welcome to the Palace! The map shows the layout of the rooms and the magnificent sculptural, painting, and architectural decorations in the historic interiors. From the view of the floor plan, you can go to subsequent rooms, where against the background of orthoimages of the walls are presented individual precious decorative elements of the interior.
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Take a look at the archaeological research that was conducted in the Museum in the years 2003-2012. On the map of Wilanów Park, you can see individual excavations and their profiles, stratigraphic units, and orthoimages of the successive layers discovered.
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In the years 2014-2016, we conducted natural research related to the project "Social education in the conflict between urbanisation and ecology in the Wilanów Palace Museum". The map shows the results of these studies, including the populations of dragonflies, birds, and bats, as well as information on air and water in Wilanów Park.
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Ancient Gardens / History Anew

The application was created on the occasion of the GIS 2021 Congress "Przestrzeń OdNowa (Reimagining Space)" organised by ESRI Poland. It is evidence that the Museum's activities include the protection of both cultural and natural heritage. The Museum is responsible for the preservation of architectural monuments and works of art, historical gardens and the Morysin Nature Reserve. It is also involved in the protection of the natural environment in the immediate vicinity of the Palace and garden and the preservation of the unique character of the Wilanów Cultural Park.
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Dendrological trail

See what trees and shrubs grow in Wilanów Park. The map presents descriptions, photos, and interesting facts in the form of a virtual tour consisting of 14 characteristic points. The application was created on the occasion of Landscape Day 2020, the main focus of which was trees.
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Dendrological foundations

The map shows trees planted in Wilanów Park at the behest of Museum donors. It also contains a description of the circumstances of their planting. Additionally, it indicates the proposed locations for planting new trees, along with a description prepared by the Garden Department. This is an incentive for other donors who may wish to do a good deed, or maybe even their dream, in Wilanów Park by planting trees.
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GIS DAY 2020

Enjoy a short virtual tour of the Wilanów residence, the main theme of which will be its founder and most important resident, King Jan III. We will use the spatial information system and thematic map services for this purpose.
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Exotic plants

The map contains information about exotic plants exhibited in the Wilanów gardens. You will learn what plants you mat encounter during a walk in the Park, from what corners of the world they come, where you can see them in the summer and where we store them in the winter. You can also see photos of these plants and discover historical documents in which they are described. The project was implemented as part of the 5th edition of the "implementation doctorate" program of the Ministry of Education and Science, as a result of cooperation between the Cracow University of Technology and the Museum of King John III's Palace at Wilanów.
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About the project

The Geographic Information System (GIS) is a collection of diverse maps that show in detail the entire Museum area and individual gardens. Thematic layers concerning buildings, architectural objects, garden sculptures, façades, interiors, trees and shrubs, as well as the results of archaeological research are applied to the maps. The locations on the map are complemented by current and archival photographs, as well as conservation, architectural and iconographic data.


All spatial objects were created on the basis of cartometric architectural and surveying documentation using ArcGIS software from ESRI. Based on the basic map of the Museum area, separate thematic layers have been created for each type of object. Each object was assigned an attribution in the form of a database and selected current and archival photographic, conservation, architectural, and iconographic documentation was attached.

Types of databases

All data are thematically divided into modules. The basic spatial database covers the entire Museum area. It contains object classes/layers such as register plots, buildings, structures, green spaces, alleys, fences, and garden sculptures. These data are the reference layers for the entire system.

The next database concerns the interiors of buildings. Based on architectural plans in CAD format, we have developed individual floors for 14 historic buildings. In the system, each room is a separate polygon object. All rooms are appropriately thematically and functionally described.

Subsequently, the Museum GIS was expanded with a module containing the elaboration of the decoration of the façades of the Palace.

The module was constructed on the basis of vector documentation in CAD format and photogrammetric documentation comprising orthoimages of the façades. The material was then converted to geobase format. Objects were singled out and grouped, and classified into one of the following types: architectural decoration, architectural composition, painting, bas-relief, or sculpture. The database contains more than 1,200 decorative historical objects, each of which has a unique ID number and developed attributes, as well as selected current and archival documentation.
Another database concerns decoration of the Palace interiors. 46 interiors were developed, in which decorative objects were singled out and described.

An inventory of trees and shrubs was made for the dedicated database; each tree was measured and described, and its age was also calculated. Currently, the database contains more than 3,000 trees, including 28 monuments of nature, whose documentation has been enriched with photographs and inventory cards. The geobase also contains layers that describe in great detail the plant and non-plant elements that comprise the individual Baroque parterres, or symmetrical layouts of garden beds.
The archaeological database contains the results of research carried out at the Museum in the years 2003-2012. All archaeological sites, together with their georeferencing data, are described in database form. Documentation is also included, including orthoimages of profiles that can be visualised realistically in their locations.


Museum of King Jan III's Palace at Wilanów

The Controller of the Spatial Information System of the Museum of King Jan III's Palace at Wilanów is the Documentation and Digitalisation Department. If you have any questions or would like to comment, please contact us:

Documentation and Digitalisation Department
Tel.: +48 22 5442 767