The aim and thematic scope of the periodical
‘Studia Wilanowskie’ is an annual published since 1977 by the Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów, financed from its own funds. The principal aim of the paper is to systematically publish documentational, academic and scientific texts which are directly or indirectly related to the Wilanów Palace, its residents and its environment, especially articles pertaining to the history of the residence, the history of art collecting, museology, and material and immaterial heritage, as well as a range of topics involving museum education, art conservation, the history of landscape gardens and the shaping and protection of scenery. We also publish texts concerning the areas of economy, customs and social life in the earlier eras in the context of historical residences and the biographies of Wilanów’s former residents, as well as the palace itself and the entire estate. We are also interested in the issues associated with memory and commemoration, especially in the context of Wilanów and its genius loci, with the persistence of certain models and themes associated with certain historical figures and their perception by later generations while constructing narratives in response to the needs of a given historical moment.
The online version is the reference version of ‘Studia Wilanowskie” (from issue no. XXVII). The printed-paper version of ‘Studia Wilanowskie’ appears before the end of May of each year following the publication of the online version.
The ‘Studia Wilanowskie’ periodical is registered by the Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów. The full title of the periodical is ‘Studia Wilanowskie’ and it is fully relevant to the nature of the contents published therein. The title is registered at the District Court in Warsaw.
The website (Polish version) constitutes the online version of the periodical. The website operates with a valid certificate and is free from viruses and malware. It is optimized for modern search engines, e.g. Microsoft Internet Explorer 11, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Google Chrome.
Main themes of “Studia Wilanowskie (Wilanów Studies)” in the years 2021–2025
2021, vol. XXVIII – Stanisław Kostka Potocki, and the Wilanów residence and collection in the 19th century
2022, vol. XXIX – European historic gardens and natural heritage in museum surroundings
2023, vol. XXX – King Jan III and the world of the Orient
2024, vol. XXXI – The Wilanów Museum in digital format – history of 3D documentation work; new technologies in managing museum residences and their collections
2025, vol. XXXII – The birth of a museum. Wilanów Museum history from 1805 to 2025.
Copyrights and access
All texts and illustrations contained therein are available on the Creative Commons Attribution – Non-Commercial – No Derivs 3.0 Unported license.
Copyright: © Muzeum Pałacu Króla Jana III w Wilanowie
- Within the framework of an agreement with the University of Heidelberg, the Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów provided access to its periodical ‘Studia Wilanowskie’.
- We are pleased to announce that the University of Heidelberg Library has digitized a part of the issues of ‘Studia Wilanowskie’ ( ).
- Through the resources available at the University of Heidelberg Library website, ‘Studia Wilanowskie’ can be searched by means of, among others, Europeana, Getty Research Portal, BASE, Virtual Catalogue for Art History and, of course, Google.
- All archival issues are available at website.
- Articles
- Miscellanea
- Communications
- Biographic notes
- Reports
‘Studia Wilanowskie’ Board of Editors
Paweł Jaskanis, Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów
Rasa Butvilaite PhD, Vilnius Academy of Arts
Tomasz Chachulski PhD (habil.), Professor at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
Dorota Folga-Januszewska PhD (habil.), Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów, Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw
Elżbieta Grygiel, Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów
Mirosław Kłusek PhD (habil.), Professor at the University of Łódź
Lynn Lubamersky PhD, Boise State University, Idaho
Krzysztof Mikulski PhD (habil.), Professor at the Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń
Hanna Osiecka-Samsonowicz PhD (habil.), Professor at the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa
Arvydas Pacevicius PhD (habil.), Professor at the University of Vilnius
Ingo Pfeifer PhD, Winckelmann-Gesellschaft, Stendal
Stanisław Roszak PhD (habil.), Professor at the Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń
Professor Andrzej Rottermund PhD (habil.), Warsaw
Wojciech Tygielski PhD (habil.), Professor at the University of Warsaw
Michał Woźniak PhD (habil.), Professor at the Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, District Museum in Bydgoszcz
The Editorial Board:
Coordinates the development of the periodical;
Synchronizes thematic profiles and chronological frameworks of the successive issues of ‘Studia Wilanowskie’ with the current programme of the Museum in connection with events of importance to this institution or with anniversaries referring to the history of the Wilanów residence;
Synchronizes research directions and frameworks for topics that can be undertaken by authors for successive issues of the periodical, in keeping with their own knowledge;
Provides connections within the scholarly community in order to advertise projects associated with the Wilanów residence and the planned issues of ‘Studia Wilanowskie’;
Provides advice concerning publication ethics.
It is an advisory body with regard to decisions concerning the profile and contents of the periodical.
Editorial Committee
- Joanna Paprocka-Gajek PhD, Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów
Graduate of the Art History Department at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, certified curator, stipendiary of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage (1999). Awarded the doctoral title in 2001 based on the dissertation Srebrna i platerowana zastawa stołowa firm warszawskich w latach 1815–1914. Obyczaj, formy, ekonomia [Silver and plated tableware from Warsaw producers in 1815–1914. Customs, forms, economics]. Awards: laureate of the Rev. Prof. Szczęsny Dettloff Contest in 1993 for the book Srebra i platery firmy Józef Fraget (Silver and plate ware by Józef Fraget Co., published at PWN, Warsaw 1992); the Wierzba Contest award in 2010 for the book Platery Warszawskie… [Warsaw plate ware]; the Varsaviana award in the Hanna Szwankowska Contest in 2013–2014 for the co-authored book Fabryka Norblina [The Norblin Factory]. Employment: in 1992–2003 specialist at the Bureau of the Government Plenipotentiary for the Polish Cultural Heritage Abroad at the Ministry of Culture and Art; from 2003 at the Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów as senior curator, supervisor of the silverware, plate ware, gilt bronze and historical lighting collections; from 2006 head of the Art Department. Coordinator of the “Musaeum pro publico bono” programme. Author of several articles and catalogue notes on silver- and goldsmithery and the history of plate ware production in Poland, as well as author or co-author of scripts for permanent and temporary exhibitions. Coordinating editor of several museum publications (e.g. Święto Baroku, Państwowy Bank Rolny 1919–1949; Winckelmann/Potocki vol. 2, books in the “200 lat Muzeum wilanowskiego” series). From 2014 editor-in-chief of the ‘Studia Wilanowskie’ annual.
- Karolina Alkemade, Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów
Graduate of the Institute of Art History at the Faculty of History of the University of Warsaw. Supervisor of the Furniture Collection at the Art Department of the Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów. Completed the Contents Edition course at the Polish Association of Book Publishers. She took part in the editorial preparation of ‘Studia Wilanowskie’ issues XXIV–XXVI. - Marta Gołąbek PhD, Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów
Graduate of the Institute of Art History at the Faculty of History of the University of Warsaw (2004), awarded a doctoral title (2019) for the dissertation Kazimierz Chłędowski i jego pisarstwo o sztuce. Próba ujęcia (Kazimierz Chłędowski and his writings on art. A tentative analysis, at the Catholic University of Lublin). From 2005 supervisor of the Prints and Drawings Collection at the Art Department of the Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów. For many years a coordinator of the “Monumentum Sobiescianum” programme at the Museum; organized temporary exhibitions and conferences. She co-edited a volume of essays accompanying the Primus inter pares temporary exhibition (2013), of which she was the co-creator and curator. Edited ‘Studia Wilanowskie”, issue XXII, and prepared it for print; the volume collected texts written in three languages (Polish, Italian and English) resulting from the international seminar “Związki polsko-włoskie w dobie Jana III Sobieskiego” [Polish-Italian relations in the era of John III Sobieski] organized at the Museum in 2012. - Konrad Pyzel, Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów
Graduate of the Art History and Sociology departments at the University of Warsaw, from 2008 employed at the Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów as a curator of temporary exhibitions (e.g. co-curator of exhibitions relating to John III: Primus inter pares, 2013, Wilanów Palace; Jan III. Sobieski: ein polnischer König in Wien, 2017, Das Winterpalais-Belvedere Museum in Vienna), organizer of conferences and scholarly seminars, editor-in-chief of the Museums’ website. His research interests focus on art in the late 17th and early 18th century. He is currently writing a doctoral dissertation on the career, factors and strategies affecting the success of Jan Reisner, count painter to King John III and Jan Dobrogost Krasiński. He published some articles concerning this artist and presented issues linked with the output of Reisner and other painters at the court of John III at conferences in Poland and abroad. - Natalia Toporowska
Editorial assistant of “Wilanów Studies (Studia Wilanowskie)”. She studied at the College of Inter-area Individual Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Warsaw, graduating in Polish philology, as well as ethnology and cultural anthropology. She received a scholarship from the Minister of Education and Science for notable academic achievements (2021). While an apprentice at the Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów, she participated in editing the second volume of The Letters of Marie Casimire from the Sobieski Archive in Oława: Letters to Sons from the Years 1697–1704 (Warsaw 2021). - Michał Witkowski, Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów
Studied art history at the Institute of History of the Catholic University of Lublin, and protection of cultural heritage and art conservation at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (2010). He completed post-graduate studies in Modern Analytical Techniques for the Conservation of Historic Objects (2013, Faculty of Chemistry of the Jagiellonian University). Former employee of the State Archives network and the National Museum in Warsaw. He joined the Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów in 2021. His role involves implementing projects which combine historical and materials research for art history and conservation of historic objects. Scholar at the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage (2014). He authored Laquearia Subter. Decorative Painting of King Jan III’s Residence in Żółkiew and its European Sources (2018), and is the author and co-author of articles on art history, culture, and material culture history. - Anna Ziemlewska PhD, Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów
Graduate of the History and the Protection of Cultural Heritage departments (specialization: Museology), awarded a doctoral title (2007) for the dissertation Ryga w Rzeczypospolitej polsko-litewskiej (1581–1621) (Riga in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1581–1621), at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń); for many years employed at the Regional Museum in Toruń, then at the Research Station of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Vienna; from 2017 employed at the Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów; executor and coordinator of scholarly projects at the Polish and Austrian Academies of Sciences: Karol Lanckoroński i jego spuścizna w zbiorach Austriackiej Biblioteki Narodowej and Türkengedächtnis. For many years assistant at the editorial board of “Rocznik Toruński”; member of the editorial committees of the ‘Jahrbuch des Wissenschaftlichen Zentrums der Polnischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien’ and ‘Studiów Wilanowskie’ periodicals; author of many articles, editor of catalogues, collective monographs and edited sources, e.g.: Karol Lanckoroński i jego czasy. Varia (Vienna 2015); Karol Lanckoroński. Dzienniki podróży po Azji Mniejszej (1882–1883, 1884)/Kleinasien: Reisetagebücher (1882–1883 und 1884) (Vienna 2015, with A. Szymanowicz-Hren); Karol Lanckoroński. Dzienniki podróży do Włoch (1874 i 1875)/Italien: Reisetagebücher (1874 und 1875) (vienna, 2015, with J. Winiewicz-Wolska); Karl Lanckoroński und seine Zeit (Vienna 2014, with B. Dybaś, I. Nöbauer); Sarmacka Pamięć. Wokół bitwy pod Wiedniem (Warsaw 2014, with B. Dybaś, A. Woldan); 150 lat Muzeum Okręgowego w Toruniu. 1861–2011, exhibition catalogue (Toruń 2011). - Maciej Żołnierczuk PhD, Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów
Graduated from the Faculty of General Horticulture, Biotechnology, and Landscape Architecture at the University of Life Sciences in Warsaw (2013), and holds a doctor’s title in agricultural sciences (2019). He defended the doctoral thesis Shaping Biodiversity of Vegetation at Expressways and Users Expectations at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. He participated in the following international programmes: Erasmus (2013 – University of Copenhagen), CEEPUS (2016 – University of Corvinus in Budapest), POWER (2018 – Parques de Sintra, project titled: “I am learning to teach. Development of social competences through programs for seniors at the Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów”). He won the THEORY competition organised by the Stefan Kuryłowicz Foundation for the publication titled The Cultural Language of Glass Architecture. Co-author of textbooks on landscape architecture for technicians, as well as scientific and popular science publications. At the Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów, he serves as landscape protection expert, and tends to both cultural and natural landscapes. He actively participates in public consultations held by i.a. urban planners seeking to ensure order and harmony in the surroundings of King Jan III’s summer residence.
The Editorial Committee
The Editorial Committee consists of academic employees of the Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów, closely connected with the Published and working towards the publication of the periodical as part of their professional duties. Being art historians, historians and sociologists by education, they all have broad competency in the field of the Humanities and knowledge of the history of the Wilanów residence and its owners, they participate in interdisciplinary projects in the areas of research, exposition, education, popularization of science and investment conducted at the Museum. They have long-standing experience in museum work, editorial work and publishing; they also conduct their own research.
The cyclical meetings of the Editorial Committee, which take place at least once a month, the programme and thematic scope of the subsequent volumes of the periodical are discussed, issues referring to potential authors of articles whose research profile corresponds to the thematic scope of the periodical are determined, candidates for authors of new texts, often among the persons involved in projects co-organized or carried out by the Museum, are indicated.
The Editorial Committee carefully monitors the preservation of ethical principles in keeping with the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) throughout the periodical’s publication process. All entities involved in the publication process (the author, the editor, the reviewer and the publisher) are requested to acquaint themselves with the standards of ethical conduct applied at ‘Studia Wilanowskie’.
Final decisions regarding the publication belong to the Editor-in-Chief, who makes use of the Editorial Committee’s knowledge and experience. Decisions of the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Committee are made with full observance of legal regulations concerning plagiarism, libel and copyright infringement.
The Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Committee observe strict confidentiality with regard to the submitted texts, the reviewing process, and the names of both outside and inside reviewers.
Articles rejected in the course of editorial procedures remain on file and cannot be used in the private research. Members of the Editorial Committee wishing to publish their texts in the periodical undergo the same submission and reviewing process as outside authors.