The Etruscan Cabinet
This room presented roughly 100 Etruscan vases from the collections of the Potocki family. Most of them are ancient originals, and the collection is complemented by less numerous 19th century copies.
The decoration of the room comes from the mid-19th century. Stylistically and functionally, it is subordinated to the exposition: the wall paintings are inspired by the red-figure style of Greek ceramic painting, and the marble shelves and floor imitate ancient mosaics.
The Paintings Gallery called the "Museum" and the Landscapes Gallery
These are located in the north wing of the palace, built in the 1820s. Until the 19th century, there were residential apartments here; later, the walls separating them were demolished and a large exhibition space was created. In line with the fashion of the time, the walls were painted in the colour of Pompeian red, considered the most appropriate background for the presentation of works of art. Today, visitors can admire masterpieces of European painting here.