General principles
• The authors are not required to pay any fees for publishing in ‘Studia Wilanowskie’, at any stage of the publication process.
• The texts intended for publication in ‘Studia Wilanowskie’ should be submitted in a digital form to the following address:
• The text should be submitted as a text file in the .doc or .docx format.
• Illustrations should be appended in separate files in the TIF or JPG format (resolution 300 dpi minimum), max. 6 illustrations, numbered and captioned.
• The length of the texts: articles – up to 1 author’s sheet (40,000 characters including spaces and footnotes, i.e. ca. 16 – 18 pages in word processor sheets); reviews – up to 0.5 author’s sheet (20,000 characters); communication, conference reports, commemorative notes – up to 0.25 author’s sheet (10,000 characters). The Editorial Board and Editorial Committee reserve the right to accept longer texts, substantial source appendices or large illustrative material in the cases validated by important considerations related to the contents of the text
• The author also submits separate files with:(1) an abstract of the text (one page in length – max. 1,800 characters) in Polish or, preferably, in English;(2) a biographical note about the author (max. 900 characters) containing the Author’s name, surname, affiliation, basic information regarding his/her research interests, email, e.g. Jan Kowalski PhD, the Institute of Art History, University of Warsaw, an art historian specializing in the history of Baroque palace architecture, his research interests focus on the history of interior decoration and design. Contact:;(3) key words (max. 7 words or phrases);(4) a concise bibliography (max. 100 titles).
File list
• The author is also obligated to submit a filled-in declaration confirming their authorship/co-authorship of the text, specifying the percentage of involvement for all co-authors and stating that the work is original (to be downloaded from the website).
• The editor reserves the right to conduct a preliminary verification of the texts, after which they will be subject to an external review process (articles) or qualified directly for print by the Editorial Committee (reviews, statements).
• Only texts that have received two positive reviews will be published.
• Should any alterations be required, the text will be sent to the Author, who will be obligated to revise it in the time specified by the Editorial Committee. After the resubmission, the Author will be informed as to the text’s acceptance for publication.
File list
• The contract between the Publisher and the Author is signed after the review process has been concluded and the text accepted for publication (to be downloaded from the website). The Author is to send back three printed and signed copies of the contract to the Publisher’s address. A failure to do so makes the publication of the submitted text impossible.
• All texts accepted for print shall be edited for grammar and spelling and sent to the Author for proofreading. The Author is obligated to complete the proof within 7 days of receiving the edited text.
• After the text has been published, the Author receives one copy of ‘Studia Wilanowskie’ and offprints in .pdf format.
•Back volumes are published in their entirety on the Museum’s website, in the .pdf format.
• The list of leading topics of the successive volumes is available on the Publisher’s website.
• Transcripts from the Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian etc. should be given in Latin transcription following the general rules found in Słownik języka polskiego, available at;629693
Text edition guidelines
File list
(to be downloaded from the website)