Benefactors and Clients. The Specificity of Female Patronage and Client Relations in Saxon Times – E-BOOK

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Benefactors and Clients. The Specificity of Female Patronage and Client Relations in Saxon Times – E-BOOK - Photo gallery

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40.00 PLN

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Bożena Popiołek opens a new chapter of research on the history of women, showing them in the roles of patrons, sponsors, benefactors and creators of their own client base. The richly illustrated book is also distinguished by the fact that the author allowed the sources to ‘speak’, in the belief that no description, no characterisation would convey the richness of the ancient language or allow insight into the mentality of the people of that time. We are unable to convey the emotions contained in the letters, the specific message, the verbal servility, the bluntness of the language or, on the contrary, the poverty of thoughts that draw the figure of a man.

Format: ebook (MOBI, EPUB)
Publisher: Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów
Year of publication: 2020 
ISBN 978-83-66104-70-9

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