Old Polish Culinary Recipes. Scattered Recipes from the 16th-18th Centuries. Manuscript Sources

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Old Polish Culinary Recipes. Scattered Recipes from the 16th-18th Centuries. Manuscript Sources - Photo gallery

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Compiled by: Jarosław Dumanowski, Dorota Dias-Lewandowska, Marta Sikorska

The seventh volume of the Monumenta Poloniae Culinaria series contains handwritten, scattered (not from cookbooks) and very diverse culinary recipes from the 16th-18th centuries. Old Polish recipes tell us about something more than just how to fry fish in a paper box or how to prepare beef and pike and how to cook a healthy broth. When we discover what ‘abucht’ and ‘sołtonnosy’ mean, when we find out what ‘pekienflejsz’ was, what ‘wasigi’ was used for and why they ate sturgeon, we will simply understand our ancestors better, we will delve into their problems, we will appreciate their vast knowledge, and we will get to know their passions and preferences.

Publisher: Museum of King Jan III's Palace at Wilanów
Year of publication: 2017
Length: 366 pages
Format: 21,8x30,5 cm
Binding: soft integrated
ISBN 978-8363580-92-6

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